Food Bank of Western Massachusetts: 15th Annual Will Bike 4 Food

Sunday, September 21, 2025 (7:00 AM - 5:00 PM) (EDT)


Will Bike 4 Food (WB4F) is back for its 15th year! This fun cycling event raises funds and awareness for the Food Bank of Western Massachusetts. Cyclists of all levels can pedal towards a hunger-free future by joining us for a Century (100 mile), Half Century (50 mile), Quarter Century (25 mile), or the 12-mile and 4-mile Family Fun Rides. Registered riders can also choose to participate virtually by riding their miles any time in September during Hunger Action Month. 


Early Bird Special: $25 if you register during the month of May, $45 if you register after  May 31st

Sunday, September 21, 2025 (7:00 AM - 5:00 PM) (EDT)

Sunday September 21, 2025 7am-5pm 

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